Faculty members of universities and institutes are requested to review the articles in the Journal of Civil Engineering and Project while emphasizing academic and executive points, to be a trusted advisor to the authors in order to eventually develop and enhance the applied knowledge of the subject area of ​​the journal.


 In general, referees have two essential roles in a journal:

1) Comment on the overall value of an article for publication

2) Providing constructive criticism to the authors without considering publishing or rejecting the article, which is crucial for the promotion of science. In fact, the referees should act as a consultant and guide the authors in raising the level of the article.

Reviewers' Responsibility

Reviewers should consider the following when reviewing articles:

Qualitative, content and scientific review of articles to improve, enhance, and substantially improve the content of articles.
Informing the journal's editor of accepting or rejecting arbitration (not related to the subject matter of the article by the arbitrator's specialty) and introducing an alternate arbitrator if the arbitration is accepted.
· The need to reject articles that represent the interests or personal relationships of individuals, institutions, and corporations, as well as articles that contribute to the conduct, analysis, or writing of them.
دا Arbitration of articles should be based on sufficient scientific evidence and reasoning and should not be used in arbitration of articles, personal, professional, racial, religious, etc.