Document Type : Research Article


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RC buildings has been constructed in our country for decades. Many of the existing buildings have been designed and implemented when well-known seismic design bases have not been common , so these buildings are not strong enough. The purpose of this research was to investigate the technical and economic effects of retrofitting methods on the technical and economical effects of two retrofitting methods including buckling restrained braces and retrofitting using a concrete shear wall. The results of this study showed that with the use of retrofitting, the amount of displacement of the target in the models has significantly decreased, and it is observed that the concrete shear wall has more effect on the structure. drift also been reduced by retrofitting, and this amount has been reduced by adding a concrete shear wall in comparision to buckling braces. Also, the evaluations showed that, despite the fact that the reinforced concrete shear wall had a better technical effect on the structural performance, it is observed that the use of a buckling brace is more economical.
