| ماهنامه| ISC | فنی،مدیریتی،حقوقی| اعتبار،چابکی،پاسخگویی|
Influential study of differential parameters in order to election of the type of special pumping stations and the suitable electric pumps

روزبه اقامجیدی

دوره 5، شماره 6 ، شهریور 1402، ، صفحه 11-34


  The pumping station is a collection of pumps, driving forces and auxiliary equipment e.g., collector system, power supply system, and control and protection systems. Small pumping stations are usually designed in the simplest possible way for the ease of operation of auxiliary equipment. However, as the capacity of the pumping station increases, the technical complexity and design of peripheral equipment increases, which requires its own design according to the conditions, type of work, and location of the project. The choice of the type of station building, the type and capacity of the main and ...  بیشتر